The Perfect Day

9:12 AM

Today is normally one of my favorite days of the year. The first Husker game of the season.  As tradition has it, we are in Okoboji for Labor Day weekend. It's a perfect fall day.  Crisp air with the smell of bacon lofting through the house.  All the kiddos are snuggled up on the couch covered in blankets.  College Game Day is on.  All the makings for a perfect day.  

Aspen loved everything about this day.  Snuggling with me on the couch in his jams.  Watching Paw Patrol as I enjoyed my coffee feeling blessed beyond comprehension. He would then ask me to get his Husker jersey from the closet and would be so excited about the adventures of the day.  Talking about riding the train with mommy at Arnold's Park and throwing our Maxwells' frisbees from lunch at the green space. Enjoying his mint chip ice cream from the Nutty Bar Stand.  Having water balloon fights in the backyard. Snuggling down in his sleeping bag to watch a movie with Jenner and his besties with popcorn and M&Ms.  Aspen loved his life. He loved everything about it.  It was as close to perfect as one could imagine.  His three and a half years were so full.  And although today has all the makings for a perfect day, nothing will ever be perfect again.  Life as we know it has been forever changed.  Just like it has for our new friends Melissa and Matt Graves.  Our sweet angels were taken from us a little over one week apart.  Today would have been Lane's 3rd Birthday.  And to add insult to injury, it is his golden birthday.   I know this will probably prove to be Matt and Melissa's worst day yet since Lane was taken so violently from them that evening at Disney World as they prepared to watch fireworks.  My heart aches for them today more than it normally does.  You see, I know that this day is going to be here sooner than later for our family too.  Aspen's birthday is just a few short months away.  I feel so sad thinking about how I'm here in what normally is our happy place and Melissa is in Omaha preparing for an event to honor her sweet boy on his birthday.  Today used to be one of celebration of life with dreams of the future.  Today is now sad and dark for both of our families.  I pray to God that he wraps his arms a little tighter today around Melissa and Matt and around all who will never be the same after losing Lane.  I ask the same for our family today as we try to push through another day.  Doing all the activities that should have the makings for a perfect day.  

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