My Hero

11:20 AM

YOU'LL BE MY HERO FOR MY ENTIRE EXISTENCE.  I LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN DESCRIBE.                                                     

                                                                                  -Bindi Irwin

Aspen will always be my hero.  My light in this sudden darkness.  Those eyes, those eyelashes, that infectious smile.  His laugh.  He was original from the minute he came into this world.  Unique beyond words.  Everyone who had the pleasure of meeting him immediately identified with him in a special way.  

It's our second national holiday without you buddy.  I'm in typical holiday weekend mode. All consumed with the busyness of life in Okoboji.  Entertaining, cooking, cleaning and enjoying time with our friends and family. This is how I get through my days. Busyness. Pretending I'm okay.  The truth is I'm not okay.  I'm completely and utterly heartbroken.  Devastated.  In anguish of the harsh reality of waking up without my precious angel.  Remembering how life once was. Remembering our morning ritual.  Waking beside me asking where his paci was.  I'd hunt through the mountain of sheets and blankets and paw patrol dogs searching for that precious paci.  When I finally found it he would get so excited.  He'd take it and immediately would snuggle down with me.  We couldn't get close enough to each other.  It was pure bliss.  Perfection.  Not another place on the planet I would want to be.  He would then say with conviction, "Mommy you get up".  He was such a bossy little thing.  He was my bossy little thing.  He was perfection.  Today I woke up and it hit me like it does every morning.  You're not here and you will never be here again. I will never have your snuggles. I will never be able to watch you sleep. How will I ever come to grip that this my new reality?  I keep thinking tomorrow will be just a little easier. I wake up and it isn't easier.  It's actually more difficult.  It's the reality sinking in deeper and deeper everyday.   This is my new life and you are never coming back.  And although you may not be here physically anymore, one thing I know with my whole heart is that you will always be my hero and my love for you will last until eternity.  Happy Labor Day in Heaven buddy!

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  1. Know that you were and always will be his hero. You are a warrior and the strongest women I know. You are a hero to me my beautiful sister. God Bless you.
